Saturday, January 12, 2008

Driving Quiz Question Two

Okay, so it's not the next day. But anyway, it seems like the next day because of the holidays and .... oh, never mind. Here it is:

When driving on the surface streets (not the freeway) an approaching a traffic signal that is changing from green to yellow (presumably then to red), you should:

A. Speed up, close your eyes and hope you can get through the light that was green when you saw it last, unscathed.

B. Maintain your speed and wait until you reach the light, that is now yellowish-red, and slam on your brakes to prevent running a red light. (Oops, was that care behind you too close, anticipating that you were going to run the light?)

C. Slow down and prepare to stop for the changing light, glancing in the rearview mirror to make sure that the car behind you is slowing down (proactive).

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