Monday, November 29, 2010

Cell Phone Driving

in Las Vegas? Well, it's kind of legal, unless you endanger someone, drive recklessly or cause an accident because you're focusing on the latest gossip coming across the air stream instead of that driver trying to exit the freeway, or enter, or whatever. It won't be legal for long, though, if our 2011 legislature has its way. Should it?

When the public puts their personal needs ahead of the safety of others then the lawmakers must place legislation ahead of personal preference.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Falls

Here it is, it's fall. The evenings are almost chilly. The days dip below 90, and then 80. The leaves look like they want to fall, but aren't quite ready yet ... soon. It's snowing in New York. Las Vegas is glorious in the fall, if you don't mind the wind. That's the wind you will thank when it blows away the smog, searching out the nooks and crannies of the City and dusting the streets and washes.

But look quickly, because as soon as you realize it's fall, it's gone.