Saturday, February 14, 2015

Posting Predicaments

June?  I haven't posted since June?  So, my muse had flown ... probably driven away by the dusty dry desert winds and an equally dry and dusty inspiration.  Am I inspired now?  Well, anything above zero is hopeful and so I am hopeful.  Since June, what?  A cruise to Alaska's glaciers, a full and then empty apartment still claiming attention and money, back and forth's to San Diego (I have too many there to not visit), then a broken elbow, surgery and a cruise to Jamaica, Cayman and Cozumel.

But the burning question ... retire or keep working.  Theoretically I will have time to do the things that I don't have time to do, like write, genealogy, travel, photography, spend time with my grand kids, garden, research, upgrade our home and volunteer.  In reality, I  don't know if I'll do any of that.  For the last month, admittedly laid up with a badly broken arm, surgery, splint, etc., I haven't done much.  But even before that, I only work 3 days a week, and I do little else in the list above.   I lie in bed for an hour pursuing facebook posts, news articles and more, grist for the creative mill.  Sometimes something clicks and I am driven to write ... I love it!  I seem only driven by writing and when I have a deadline appointment and realize that if I don't clean up the house, and myself, someone will report me to elder abuse, ha!  Abusing myself?  Hmm, that works.

I've promised I won't work past November, my next annual holiday bonus ... but, as my great grandson is fond of saying, 'but not yet.'

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